#a gal for gladstone
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michimonie · 1 year ago
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I recently read the Ducktales 2017 Art book. Apparently, if the show wasn't cancelled, they were going to actually have a romance between them, including a funny double date episode.
To the tune of "I could've been turbo" ... WE COULD'VE HAD MAGICSTONE!? (animated and not just comics)
Happy Valentine's Day!
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mrgladstonegander · 1 year ago
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for my return to duckblr may i offer my bootleg team magic (which doesnt include umbra/magica but shes here too)
team science here
umbra de mancy / magica = basically the same character / fills the same role as in dt17. wanted her to have an Evil Magical Girl look to spite lena's sorceress outfit.
luna de mancy / lena = also mostly the same character. wanted to lean more into what punk style she already had. i love her arc in dt17, but here she reclaims her shadow magic + never has to reconnect with umbra ever. both she and umbra are ruddy ducks
sunny vanderduck / webby = shares an arc with cherry(huey), and while she still has the same role of having luna realize she deserves to have a good life and isn't a bad person, luna helps her realize that valerie(beakley) isn't the best guardian either...
twilight costa / violet = meets luna + sunny earlier on. outwardly she's mostly the same, but she struggles with feeling connected with other communities. american culture and her heritage, being too weird to one of the smart kids, and too smart to be one of the weird kids, being outcased from the rest of the [junior woodchucks]. but once she finds her place with luna, sunny, and cherry, she opens up her silly side more :)
oliver oca / gladstone: despite getting people to be around him with his luck, he knew he was still alone. never really seeing a point in trying to do things, when he knew his luck would handle it for him. his passivity worsens after the casino, where his efforts didn't help him get out. luckily, someone is looking to fix him... (post-development design. spoilers! he loses his luck. mainly connected to the rest of team magic through umbra, luna, and Rorschach Specter]
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aaandbackstabbed · 2 years ago
Donald:*taps pen*
Della: *taps pen in response*
Gladstone: stop that
Donald: stop what?
Gladstone: your talking about me in morse code.
Della: yes that what we’re doing. In our very limited spare time we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you infront of you.
Donald to feathery: that exactly what we did
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hiddenschools · 1 year ago
In honour of @morkaischosen's valiant efforts on behalf of our beloved Gal, here's my article from last year: GAL, THE KNIGHTS OF CAMLAAN, AND THE QUEEN.
Contains everything we know about Gal and her Order, swoonworthy quotes, major critique of Britain and the British Empire, and rampant speculation about Gal's secret identity.
Not as lyrically beautiful as morkaischosen's post (find in my recent reblogs) but hopefully fun, informative, and theory-ing.
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hiddenschools · 1 year ago
This is BEAUTIFUL and also I too adore Gal to pieces.
Gal shouldn't be here.
The Craft Sequence is a very contemporary fantasy, and one with a realistic- if not cynical- view of power. Again and again our protagonists find themselves up against gods and corporations, establishments with the very most established positions, and have to use every edge at their disposal just to keep some kind of hope for something better alive. There aren't any knights in shining armour coming to save them. Except...
The Ruin of Angels deftly sketches in a picture of Camlaan - an insular island with Imperial dreams, spinning tales of love and heroism as it sends its thugs to project its will outside its island borders. It's a familiar picture to me as an English reader, and its mythology is so clearly a justification, a comforting self-deception for the iron fist of an immortal queen. You can't say "a true knight wouldn't-" because the knights who would are real, and the ones who wouldn't just a story they tell. Except...
The Ruin crew are thieves. They have their motivations and dreams, and they're risking life, limb and legal process to score artefacts, and for all Raymet's preoccupation with scholarship and heritage, that seems to be a side-hustle to the crew's overall goal: profit. And yet, somehow, one of the crew is a storybook knight with an unbending code of honour. It's not that she's a hypocrite, not exactly - the climax of her arc with Raymet wouldn't make any sense, wouldn't have remotely the same emotional impact, if I didn't feel in my heart that what Gal's willing to justify (what she feels is just) is the most important limit on her behaviour - but she's like an invader from another story, too wild and pure to live by the rules of this world.
And all of that is vital to her place in the book.
We see her, largely, through Raymet's eyes, and our sense of genre brings us right along- how are you even real?
But the book carries on, and she keeps being like that, and eventually Raymet curses her out, and the people who made her into someone who just doesn't fit the world that really is, and- "I don't understand this. I don't understand you."
Gal reads like the intrusive work of another, better world, and part of me resents her for that; but once I accept that she really, truly is only and completely what she seems, the only word for such a senseless thing is miracle.
It's a book about love. It's a book about a lot of things, but when I read for Raymet and Gal, it's a book about love. Disbelief, and fear, and the blossoming of joy as you realise this is real, you're here, all the reasons you shouldn't be just don't matter because you are.
That's how it feels, sometimes.
This week's campaign of Galposting is brought to you by @swordswomanshowdown and my discovery that I'm willing to put a whole lot of effort into trying to get people to vote for a character I adore in a Tumblr poll tournament.
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kaicneon · 1 month ago
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What was more culturally significant? Renesance or Gal for Gladstone?
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michimonieart · 5 months ago
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Donald, Gladstone, and Fethry as adorable pastel cousins.
(Referenced from "Run, Fethry, Run", "A Gal for Gladstone", "Operation: Galleon Grab")
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teamcavota · 7 months ago
gladstone comics that form the Gladstone in my head
solitude of the four leaf clover
day of gladstone
o lucky man
a gal for gladstone
party of none and the secret gardener
don't know if there's full scans of this one but
gladstone talking to PK
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thevaudevilledemon · 2 years ago
Duck Musings: The Tragedy of Magica De Spell
Tragedy and the Disney Ducks go oddly hand in hand, and we have examined this in several characters, Gladstone Gander and Donald Duck specifically. When it comes to the most tragic character though, I may have to put my money on Magica De Spell, and this isn’t just me being a simp, though I’ll admit that is part of it.
The comic that sparked this Duck Musing was this scanlation by lettheladylead of a 2021 comic by Giorgio Cavazzano titled “Magica De Spell: Origins of a Witch”, which is... pretty much what it says on the tin, the origin story of Magica De Spell. In it, we learn about what happened to her parents, why she is interested in the Midas Touch, and even where Ratface came from. It’s... kind of a sad comic.
Magica’s parents were killed in a spell gone wrong when she was just a baby, probably barley hatched, and from some of the artwork, it appears that they were more focused on the spell than on Magica. After, her Aunt and Uncle took her in, but tried to repress her magic, since this is the same magic that took their loved ones from them. Magica left after learning the truth and deciding to finish what her parents began, and never did seem to return to her Aunt and Uncle.
It is worth noting that there is an alternate backstory as to why Magica wants the Midas Touch, in the comic “The Pact of the Moon”, it is revealed that Magica was not originally evil, but she forced to make the Midas Touch spell by, what I’m assuming is the Witch Council. This lead her to becoming greedy and unscrupulous, again, not a very happy backstory. She also laments about her niece Minima, and how she hopes her niece doesn’t follow the path she herself has went down.
All of this ties into the tragic situation of her current life, always after Scrooge’s dime, always outwitted by the old man, always one step closer but two steps behind her ultimate goal. One of my favourite comics is “The Journey is the Reward”, where Magica does steal the dime, but ends up returning it because, she literally does not know what to do when she’s done. It kinda reminds of that scene in Fight Club where Tyler Durden was talking about always calling his Dad and asking him on what he should do next. It adds a lot to the tragedy of having an ultimate goal, when you don’t really know what you’re gonna do once you have completed it.
I’d also be remiss if I didn’t mention Magicstone, the strange pairing of Magica De Spell and Gladstone Gander. I’ve mentioned “A Gal For Gladstone” prior, but the big tragedy of the pairing, I think was best explored by, once again, Sarah Jolley, otherwise known as ModMad, specifically in their comic “Enough Time to Fall”, because they’re right, it never would work. Even if Magica stayed in her disguise, it would have to disappear eventually, and what then? It hurts because, in A Gal for Gladstone, they were both genuinely happy, and her plan failed because she was genuinely concerned about Gladstone’s safety. One true moment of joy, and it had to be snatched from her.
I wrote a piece of fanfiction titled “Stuck Together Duck” in which, Magica De Spell and Donald Duck get stuck together, and bond a little, because when you look at the two of them, they are quite similar. Lost their parents at a presumably young age, raised by extended family (Donald in part by his Uncle, but mostly by his Grandma, and Magica entirely by her aunt and Uncle), niblings they look after (Yes that is the neutral term for niece and nephew), honestly, it feels weird that this pairing isn’t more popular, but I digress. It goes to show that, at the core of the evil sorceress, is something a lot more tragic than one might initially think.
It’s also worth noting that Scrooge, doesn’t seem to hate her. In several comics, they work together to stop a bigger problem, like a comet hurdling towards earth, or another magic user stealing Scrooge’s dime. Scrooge has also helped Magica in situations where she would, or has, lost her magic abilities, and in one comic, it’s shown that the two of them send birthday cars to each other. So maybe Scrooge sees something in Magica, and I don’t mean that in a shipping way, though feel free to take it like that.
Well, I made a Magica post that referenced three of Magica’s ships. I think I’m done for now.
To wrap up, Magica De Spell is easily one of my favourite characters, and really getting a chance to explore this aspect of her character was fun, and also a little heartbreaking. Maybe someday, Magica will get a happy ending to her story, maybe her nieces will find a path to follow that she can be happy for, maybe she and Scrooge will become genuine friends, we can always hope... and write fanfiction. Lots and lots of fanfiction.
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michimonie · 7 months ago
I'd like to ask you about Donald and Gladstone: how do they talk about their girlfriends? In private conversations?
I just want to start this with: I misread that at first and thought you had asked how Daffy and Gladstone talk about their girlfriends, lol (so I may be posting a video related to that later on)
I would imagine Donald would be pretty open with how much he loves Daisy.
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He seems like the type to start gushing about her when given the chance. Although, it might depend on the version, too, because sometimes in older comics, he seems to have no problems saying that he writes poems for her, but other times he's embarrassed at people finding out about his love letters.
For Gladstone, I'm more of a Magicstone shipper, so I'll be using her for this. (in my duck gals headcanon sheet, I just threw whoever was easiest for me in for Gladstone's and Daffy's gf spots)
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If he's with Magica, I would have to assume he doesn't want it getting out. If his family heard about it, who knows what they would do to him. He probably would tell people he isn't dating anyone, or pull a similar situation to "A Gal for Gladstone" in which Magica is disguised as someone else.
To add to that, here's a cute moment in "A Gal for Gladstone" where he happily introduces his new girlfriend (who he doesn't know is Magica in disguise, yet).
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Cute quotes from above: Gladstone: Uncle Scrooge! Say hello to my sweetheart! Matilda! Gladstone: Thanks to Matilda! She's made me see happiness isn't about fancy-free luck!
If given the chance, maybe he would gush as much (if not more) than Donald?
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mrgladstonegander · 5 months ago
For the hate shipping... dimeshipping?
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i used to actively dislike it but ive Grown Up and like... i kind of see the vision in some contexts but for the most part it just feels like... the most whatever enemies tio lovers thing to me. i cant even think about them being together in a way thats funny. its just very bland to me. they should just have tom and jerry shenanigans. there should be a boundry between work and personal life yannow. i cant even see them hatekissing or anything
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Omg i’ve missed them 🥲 *rare egmont appreciation post*
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Look we all love to hate on Egmont’s pocket stories because they’re usually terrible. But I can’t be the only one who has genuinely missed them the last few months. When we say we’d rather have the Italian stories, we mean the new long saga’s. Not gag stories from 5 years ago. And I’d rather take an Egmont comic than 3 short sleep inducing mid Italian stories.
When an Italian comic is bad, it’s really really boring. When an Egmont comic is bad, it’s absolutely terrible, but miles more entertaining.
And it just has a certain charm to it you know. Egmont is able to make stuff that Panini would not dare to publish. When they brought back Mad Ducktor last year? That was crazy! He was completely out of character and the story made zero sense, but who dares to reuse a character that hadn’t been seen in a decade and then completely misinterpret everything? Only Egmont could do that. This sounds like an ironic compliment but I mean it. Because “The other side of me” is a terrible comic. But fuck me man it was funny. I was genuinely entertained. At the end of the day I had fun.
Egmont you guys are also the only place where we can get new 3 tiered comics that feel traditional. For example Italy has modernized themselves away from Martina traditions of excessive violence. But Egmont is still holding that tradition up. Together with that certain flavour of politics and social commentary. Egmont is the only one that delivers it in that certain way that just makes me feel nostalgic. and i need that in my pockets too man
Then the crazy stuff: Mickey talks with the dead, Scrooge joins a cult, Donalds dog gets replaced by an alien… You immediately know where that comes from.
Egmont pocket comics are iconic and I can’t miss them no matter how bad they might be. This was 4 pockets in a row with no new Egmont stuff and I couldn’t handle it man. I was starting to think we might never see TNT again. You see what this shit does to your brain? Missing TNT???
And hey. Sometimes they deliver genuine bangers. A gal for Gladstone, Dialing for disaster, Origins of a sorceress… The next masterpiece could be right around the corner.
Massimo Fecchi has gone to Italy and Flemming Andersen is drawing 4 tiered comics much more often. Egmont 3 tiers are gonna be rare. But please never stop making them.
Okay that was it back to hating
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flaghoarder · 3 months ago
gumi [vocaloid] npt !! ( my first one !! )
gummy , goo , gal , gladstone , glimmer , gilroy , gil , gamma , green , delta , chloe , irvine / irving , chlorine , leena , lisa , liza , gabby , gail / gale , gene , giles , aria , melody , sienna
green/greens , song/songs , music/musicals , orange/oranges , fruit/fruits , luck/lucky , tune/tunes , radio/radios , gummy/gummys , jelly/jellys , bloom/blooms , blossom/blossoms
the green one , the one striped with green and orange , (x) the idol , (x) the melody , the music of (x) , (x) who dances , (x) who moves freely , (x) who sings loudly , the singer of melodies , (x) of summer
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thistleation · 1 year ago
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @the-darkness-does-not-bargain. (and earlier in a different tag @spacesweepers) ~💖
Favorite color: Magenta. There's something very appealing about a color that doesn't actually exist. I think it's also the most vibrant color and it does sparkly things to my brain. (also rapidly becoming my favorite tint of eyeshadow)
Currently reading: @birgittesilverbae's teach me to love and associated stories (finished the main one but I keep re-reading bits), @the-darkness-does-not-bargain's dragon age au, and starting "this is how you lose the time war" by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
Last song: It's not a single song but I'm still going to say The Bifrost Incident by the Mechanisms, a recommendation from @the-darkness-does-not-bargain once again and it fucking rips. The honest answer would be "whatever was last on this touhou playlist I put on to draw/write," but I feel like that doesn't count.
Last series: Hellsing Ultimate, currently watching with @spacesweepers and having a blast. (I forgor to do your tag Yiwen, I sorry 😣)
Last movie: Terminator 2. Don't ask me why, it's just a good movie.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Ooh, tricky. I think if I have to pick one I like best, I'm probably a savory kinda gal. Spicy is fun in the moment, and sweet is a wonderful pick-me-up, but savory feels like it gives me the most enduring kind of comfort.
Currently working on: Still happily chipping away at Beyond our Space and Starlight, although currently working on an Ava drawing where I'm trying to make Cas pop a blood vessel.
Now I tag: @willowedhepatica, @frenchsoda, and @wolfofwhinter
No pressure tho!
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hatchetation · 2 years ago
Get to Know Me
I was tagged by @mangeur-detoiles :D
Relationship status - in a relationship #girlfriend
Favourite colour - green
Lipstick or chapstick - chapstick. most recently, peach or orange lip balm from gal collection
Three favourite foods - butter chicken, chicken and rice dish in a white wine and mushroom sauce that my mom makes, fresh olive and cheese bread made by me
Song stuck in my head -  You Are My Soniya from K3G
Last song listened to - All My Exes’ Moms by Brooke Alexx
Last movie I watched -   The Little Mermaid (new live action version); technically in the middle of Jodhaa Akbar
Time - 12:40 PM
Dream trip - many places, but Cape Town and Darjeeling would be really cool. Also Athens
Top three shows - The Other Love Story, A League of Their Own, XO, Kitty (these are favorites right now, not ever)
Books I am reading -   This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (so so good, yes as good as that Tumblr post says); 4:50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie (all of her books are comfort reads for me)
How many blankets do you sleep with - one duvet, with an extra blanket on top in winter and limbs hanging off the side of the bed in summer
Last thing I googled - you are my soniya so that I could see where it’s from lol
Random factoid - one reason it’s so hard for adults to learn a new language is that it can be difficult to discriminate between speech sounds in different languages. across a couple of studies, at 6 months, English learning infants were reliably able to discriminate between different speech sounds in Hindi and English, whereas English-speaking adults and 10 month old infants were not.
I’m tagging no one and anyone who wants to do it :)
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straightyuri · 9 months ago
Magicstone. I thibk after a gal for gladstone they both like each other periodically but never at the same time.
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